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Helpful Tips for Changing Your Address

  • By Admin
  • 18 Oct, 2017
Moving is difficult enough without having to take care of additional extensive details. Unfortunately, there's just no way around changing your address. However, there are ways to make it easier, and it's a task that you can accomplish in a short time if you sit down and just do it.
Your change of address and forwarding arrangements only seem complicated because of how many you have to do. Gathering all of the changes you have to make into a list is essential, but the very first step is notifying the post office.

Change Your Address Through USPS

You can still fill out a paper form at the post office when you move. However, these forms can be harder to find in some areas. You can fill out the form and give it to the post office clerk, or you can make the address change online or by phone. Changing your address in person is free, while the phone and online options carry a small fee. Once the change is processed, you'll receive letters from the post office at both the old and new addresses.

If you are forwarding to or from a post office box, you could have trouble using the online system. Sometimes it won't process those changes, and you'll have to go to your nearest post office and ask for a paper form. It is a little odd given that post office boxes are located at a post office, but the online system does have issues validating zip codes that are mostly used by post office boxes.

Create an Address-Change Chart

In order to keep all of your address changes straight, draw up a chart. List every single company, person and magazine you can think of. Start this early because you're going to think of more names as time goes on.

Note who the person is, the date you notified them and any special issues you may have. For example, if you have mail sent to a post office box and some to your residence, note which addresses were changed for that entry.

Keep the list somewhere safe - where you're not going to pack it away in a box and lose track of it. For example, you could keep the chart on your computer or in a notebook that you are keeping with you during the entire move. Set aside time to work through the list one by one.

If you feel like you're forgetting someone, then you probably are. Wait for mail forwarding to send everything to your new address, and make address changes for those companies or people as needed.

Take the Magazine Shortcut

Many publishers have consolidated, which means several magazines may all have the same publisher. As your magazines come in, look for the account number on the label. Go to the magazine's customer service website and log in with the account number.

Find the option to change your address and do so, and then scroll down. You should see a list of other subscriptions you have that are with that same publisher. Your address change should apply to all of those titles.

Changing your address may seem like a lot of work. But all you really have to do is sit down and start emailing, logging in and calling. Do this methodically, and you will eventually have your change-of-address list done. You can also create a mass email to friends and family - just add a little apology at the beginning for using an impersonal mass email.

If you want more tips on moving, packing, changing your address and getting set up in your new city, contact Superior Economy Moving. Changing your residence doesn't have to be hard.
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