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Pre-Move Steps to Make the Day Easier

  • By Admin
  • 11 Jun, 2019
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What can you do to make moving day easier? Before your big day gets underway, take a look at the simple first steps to ease stress, reduce the likelihood of unexpected issues, and make your move go smoothly.

Get a Good Night's Sleep

Start your move in a well-rested place. This gives you the energy necessary to get the job done without breaking down physically or emotionally.

If the adrenaline pumping through your body won't let you get enough pre-move rest, try:

  • Lowering the room temperature. Sleeping in a warm room may keep you awake. Knock down the thermostat a few degrees or turn up the AC for an easier time drifting off to dreamland.
  • Meditate or try relaxation exercises. Deep breathing, visualization, and other relaxation techniques can help you to sleep.
  • Don't nap. An afternoon nap may keep you up late at night.
  • Avoid caffeine. Skip a late afternoon cup of coffee and avoid soda with your dinner.
  • Turn off the screens. Turn off your phone, tablet, TV, or laptop for at least one hour before bedtime.

Keep the old adage “early to be, early to rise" in mind. Read on for more information on how an early start can improve your move.

Start Early

Now that you're well-rested you can wake up early and get a jump start on your move. The earlier you start the move, the more daylight hours you'll have to get the job done. If you're not an early riser:

  • Skip the snooze button. The more you snooze, the better chance there is that you'll fall back asleep and miss your moving day start time.
  • Move your alarm. Reaching over and turning the alarm off from the comfort of your bed makes it too easy to fall back asleep. Moving the alarm out of reach forces you to get up and out of bed.
  • Open the curtains. A brighter room is a gentle wake-up way to start your busy moving day.

After getting out of bed, sneak in a quick workout before your move. Whether you exercise at home or go for a jog around your soon-to-be old block, physical activity energizes and can make you more alert.

Create a Playlist

Moving doesn't have to feel like a chore. With a well-picked moving playlist, you can keep the energy flowing all day long. Playing music during your move can:

  • Set the mood. Turn a stressful day into a low-key event with gentle tunes or up the energy factor with loud, up-tempo songs.
  • Provide comfort. A move is a major upheaval. Playing your favorite songs during the process can provide a sense of comfort and consistency.
  • Increase happiness. Whether you're sad about leaving your old home or just don't want to go through the moving process, the right music may make you happy.
  • Move you through your day. Create a playlist that moves you through your move. Choose different songs/types of music for packing the truck, traveling to your new home, and unpacking.

If you're moving with your spouse, children, or other family members, have everyone contribute to the playlist. Select songs from everyone's favorite genres and choose one family member to play the role of DJ.

Eat Right

The morning of the move time crunch shouldn't stop you from eating a healthy breakfast. While overdoing it may only weight you down, a mid-sized morning meal can keep you going for most of your morning meal. Choose high-protein foods for a sustained energy release. Sugary picks may give you an instant boost. But it's likely your energy will burn out quickly.

Do you need help with your next move? Hiring a professional is an easy way to streamline the process and take some of your stress away. Contact Superior Economy Moving for more information.

Superior Economy Moving
22107 Cajun Ct.,
Canoga Park, CA 91303
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Monday-Saturday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
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