Lots of people and organizations know where you live, and everyone needs to be given your new address when you move. If you're relocating soon, here are the people and groups that you should give your new address to.
Start off by setting up mail forwarding with the post office. The post office should be first on your list of people to contact because this is the organization that actually gets your mail to you. Not only will mail forwarding ensure that the post office knows of your new address, but it'll also ensure any pieces of mail that are sent to your old address get passed onto you.
In the United States, the post office forwards most mail for up to one year from the time you start a forwarding service. Magazines and periodicals are only forwarded for
60 days, however.
Magazines and other subscriptions don't need to be high on your list of people and groups to contact, but they're an easy one to handle.
You don't need to get in touch with each magazine and subscription you have before you move. Instead, let the post office forward your subscriptions and set them aside as you receive them at your new place. Then, go through your set-aside pile and update the address for each subscription you have.
This method lets you deal with subscriptions after your move when there's less stress, and it prevents you from forgetting to contact any one magazine.
You should contact each of your utility providers at least a few weeks before you move so that you can schedule service changes. All of the utilities at your old place should be turned off, and the ones at your new place should be turned on. This will require notifying them of your new address, the date of your move, and when you want their technicians to actually change over your services.
The morning of the move time crunch shouldn't stop you from
eating a healthy breakfast. While overdoing it may only weight you down, a
mid-sized morning meal can keep you going for most of your morning meal. Choose
high-protein foods for a sustained energy release. Sugary picks may give you an
instant boost. But it's likely your energy will burn out quickly.
Do you need help with your next move? Hiring a professional
is an easy way to streamline the process and take some of your stress away.
Contact Superior Economy Moving for more information.
Of course, you need to send your new address to all your family and friends whom you wish to stay in contact with. A simple way to do this is to send everyone on your holiday card list a change of address card.
You ought to contact a moving company well in advance of your move so that you can properly prepare and budget for the move. Tell the moving company when and where you’re moving, along with how much stuff you have. They'll be able to provide you with a quote for the move and schedule a time to move your possessions. By talking with a moving company early, you can ensure they'll have a crew available for your move date.
To get a quote for an upcoming move, talk with a representative at
Superior Economy Moving.